AML/CTF solutions:
  • WorldCompliance Online Search tool
  • WorldCompliance Data
  • Bridger Insight XG
  • Compliance Suite
  • Transaction Monitoring
Document/ID verification

Offering deep, industry-specific expertise to customers seeking superior Know-Your-Client (KYC) solutions for anti-money laundering and Counter Terrorism Financing compliance for Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs), Sanctions, Enforcement and Adverse Media screening.

ICG Middle East Commercial Services DMCC (known as “ICG MECOS”) is a leading provider of business intelligence and risk management solutions for more than 50 years. ICG MECOS offers a variety of high quality, flexible solutions including Commercial Information & Risk Management, Regulatory Compliance Solutions and Debt Recovery. Through an established global presence together with our strategic alliances, we empower organizations to improve their decision-making and performance as well as to mitigate risks by providing innovative and resourceful solutions that improve transparency and trust in their day-to-day business activities.

ICG Middle East Commercial Services DMCC is the strategic partner of LexisNexis Risk Solutions in the UAE and Turkey, amongst other jurisdictions.

Connect to the industry’s most current sanctions, PEP and Negative news profiles.

Combat risk with customized enhanced due

Access unmatched sanctions perspective in a
summary report.

Your automated ID document authentication

Customizable, in-depth risk assessment of companies and individuals.

An innovative suite that revolutionizes your organization’s due diligence and compliance approach, including Transaction Monitoring, KYC Screening & Monitoring as well as Risk Scoring. 

All in One!